With the majority of our products exported to sub-Saharan Africa and the rest of the world, trial assemblies give our clients complete peace of mind that every steel component produced fits exactly as per the intended design. This results in minimizing potential site rework and gives the client an opportunity to make changes before dispatching to site. This results in significant time and cost savings on site.
There is no limit on the size of trial assembly that Viva Engineering can conduct. Recently the trial assembly of a complex 350t ROM bin was completed and resulted in the client having zero site installation queries.
Workshop mechanical fitment
Over the recent years, there has been a growing trend to do final workshop assembly off site.
This generally includes final painted steel components and mechanical equipment. Whilst this work may have previously have been done on site, clients are seeing the benefit of doing this assembly work in the workshop before delivery to site.
There are a number of benefits to using this strategy, the most important of which is that workshop assembly can take place concurrently to work being completed on site, resulting in substantial time savings.
Viva Engineering’s dedicated assembly and mechanical fitment team ensure that these assemblies are dispatched to site correctly assembled and in the sequence required for site installation.
“At Viva Engineering, we believe in doing things right, the first time around. Our trial assemblies are where we test ourselves, so that our clients can rest assured in the quality and precision of their product before it arrives.” JR Muller, New Business Manager, Viva Engineering.
Ensures every component is manufactured as designed
Minimises the potential of site re-work
Time and cost savings
Our Projects
Viva Engineering has delivered some of the industry’s most impressive projects across sub-Saharan Africa and the world.